Automate your trading with confidence from backtesting
Run your ideas through the most accurate options backtester available to retail traders and then automatically execute these trades directly in your brokerage account. No programming or technical knowledge required!
Brokerage integration with

Automated options trading
Connect your brokerage account and configure your own trading strategies for our application to automatically execute and manage for you. You have complete control while not doing any of the work! Access detailed charts and statistics to monitor your performance.

Intraday options backtesting
Don't waste your money trading strategies that lose money. Run them through our high-fidelity intraday backtester first, and only trade stuff that works.

Pay only for what you use
No commitments or monthly subscriptions. Only pay for what you use, while you are using it.
Automated Trading
Let our bots execute your trades for you
Fully automated with complete control
Lightning fast execution
Web-based access, no programming required
Performance monitoring
No monthly fee or long-term commitments
High-fidelity, intraday options backtesting
Accurate results with confidence at 1-minute intervals
Powerful entry and exit criteria
Web-based access, no programming required
Detailed performance and chart breakdown
No monthly fee or long-term commitments

By the numbers
Stop wasting your time and money searching for and trading strategies that don't work
Backtest your strategies with confidence and then automate your trading all here.
4.4M+ Contracts traded by our automated trading bots
Countless Hours saved not managing trades
25B+ Historical quotes for options backtesting
335M+ Backtest trades battle-tested